Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Free Sample Anyone?

We've put up a little sneak peak of our new album over at our website. Don't judge the site though, the real set up is still under construction. The current layout is just a temporary fix.

Post your comments about the album here, at my blog. I'll make sure Mom & Dad see every comment.



Mark said...

Sounds awesome, Madison. Can't wait to get the CD - any release date yet?

Anonymous said...

Love the clips. Can't wait for the cd to come out!

Ben said...

I REALLY like it!! It sounds good and I like the song selection!

Daniel Mount said...

I really like Charlotte Ritchie's voice, so I was kind of dreading what a post-Ritchie J&SE would sound like.

But I think you sound even better. It's hard to top family harmonies. :)

Maddy said...

Thank you Daniel, that means a lot.

We're very excited!

~me said...

I can't wait until the CD comes out!!!!! Do you know when the release date will be? The songs sound far! :) They can only sound better!
I saw that your mom has a blog now up on the website. Didn't see any where to comment though.... is there anyway you guys could set it up to where we could comment? Kinda like this.... that way we don't have to give out our email address unless we want too. Cause of all the scams and stuff going on.
God Bless!

Maddy said...

We don't have an official release date yet. It will probably be out BY NQC. The mix is finished, now it needs to be mastered and we need to design a jacket.

Belinda said...

Looking forward to the new c.d. Love all the songs. Glad we got to eat with you all in Jackson, TN. I really enjoyed visiting with your mom and dad. Morgan did a terrific job on her new song that night. You are blessed to have such a wonderful family.

Unknown said...

Sounds great!!! Can't wait to purchase the new CD. You all have done a fabulous job. God bless XD

emberry said...

Sounds awesome...can't wait to get a copy of the CD!!!

Debbie said...

Posted it on both facebook and twitter. Thanks Maddy for the heads up! Sounds GREAT (as usual), and the pictures are beautiful.

Daisy said...

It sounds awesome... love the new tracks with Morgan. Can't wait for it to be out...

Kristy said...

WOW!! Amazing!! Can't wait to get the CD. You all do an amazing job.
God Bless to you All,

Amanda said...

I LOVE this one Jeff and Sheri! The samples on the site are just great!!
This is Amanda from Ohio :) I have missed not seeing you in awhile but hopefully I'll make it out to a concert soon. Love you guys!

Maryann said...

I have been much anticipating your new project. There is something amazing that comes out of going through a deep time of trial as your family has walked through with your Mom's illness. I can already tell these songs are wonderful and I cannot wait to hear the whole thing!

Personally, I'm a huge Charlotte Ritchie fan and I was sad when she and Greg left your group. And although I think Morgan is a sweetheart and I love her voice, I've been a bit hesitant to hear what your new project would sound like without Charlotte. I am beyond happy to hear the new sound of your group. Truly nothing compares to family harmony and I love your new sound. I'm really impressed with Morgan's vocals on this project. She's doing a great job!

Thanks for giving us a glimpse of the new project! I appreciate it!

Marissa Wilson said...

The sample is GREAT!! I can't wait to buy the new cd!
Your family is so sweet and genuine!